We have been back two weeks now and the holiday starts to feel like distant memory .. I have to pinch myself did five weeks really go that fast! They say time flies when you are having fun and I couldn't agree more. I spent morning collating photos from our trip and it got me thinking all those amazing things we got to do and people we got to hang out with. Here are just few things that we did on our holiday ..
We had long chats, picked wild flowers, got excited about freshly caught fish, hangout whole day in our pyjamas, watched little baby seagulls jump out of their nest, enjoyed berries straight from the bush, explored new places, ran barefoot, had sauna by the lake, went skinny dipping, watched bon fire on midsummer eve, made packakes on openfire, ate peas straight out of a paperbag on the market square, blew hundreds of dandylions, caught ferries to islands, washed baby potatoes, heard our voices echoing across the lake, jumped in puddles, got bitten by mosquitos, were taken for a tracktor ride, cuddled baby animals, rode bikes, fell off the jetty with clothes on, learned about wild herbs, had countless cups of coffee and serves of ice cream, woke up with the birds, chatted to complete strangers on public transport, watched sun slowly fade away behind the forest, bathed in the (sun) light and enjoyed company of many friends and family. Until next time ..
I'm availabe for family, child and newborn photography in Kew and around Melbourne so please contact me (0424 080 565 or me@sannagriffin.com.au) I would like to hear from you!

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