Reflecting on 2012 which has truly been an eventful year. Building my own website and byuing a new camera has changed my business significantly. I aimed to do one shoot per month this year and end up doing 16 shoots which is fantastic. Would like to use this opportunity to thank everybody who have booked me and/or helped to spread the word - I truly appreciate your support and couldn't done it without YOU! Big thanks also for my family who have supported me throughout the whole process.
As for 2013 I'm aiming to double the amount of shoots I did 2012 and focus much more on marketing and sales. I will also introduce few photography packages for 2013 (watch this space!!!) and aim to write more photography related blog posts and a bi-annual newsletter.
What have been your highlights for 2012? Have you reached your goals? What's in store for 2013 for you?
Here is our December in photos